Saturday, January 27, 2007

Chad Taylor: The State of Our Union

On January 23rd, 2007, President Bush gave his "State of the Union Address" as required by the Constitution of the United States, which states: "(The President) shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient." (Article II, Section 3). George Washington gave the first address January 8th, 1790 in New York City.

As I watched this event unfold Tuesday night, I was first struck with the magnitude of the title: "The State of the Union" and its far reaching implications that went beyond the hallowed corridors of American history. God was asking us on this 23rd day, of January 2007, "What is your State of Union?"

For the first time, I suddenly saw the amplitude of the "State of our Union or Unity" as His Body and how important it is to God. What highlighted this was the "State of our Union," as our President stood before a historic House of Representatives and Congress. This governing body could not have been more widely divided as this address was being made, and this cemented division is clearly illustrated in the general spirit of American's everywhere as our "state of union" is tested like never before.

I saw the paradox as well. This division and Divine testing of our "state of union or unity" was not confined to a political paradigm; it was for the Church as well. God is asking all of us in this hour, "What is your state of union? Are you working toward My heart and a common goal, or is it divided and becoming a House that cannot stand?"

Read more here:

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